Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Giant Bonus Card Registration

Hey Mill Creek Parents…

Did you know you can earn money for our school just by shopping at Giant with your Bonus Card?

It’s as easy as 1 2 3:

1 – Log on to www.giantfoodstores.com/aplus

2 – If you already have an account, log in using your ID and password. If not, click on Customer Registration and enter the first three letters of your last name and your Bonus Card number.

3 – Enter the Mill Creek code to designate Mill Creek as your school. The Mill Creek code is 03593.

Each time you shop at Giant and use your Bonus Card you’ll earn a percentage back for Mill Creek.

Many thanks for your participation in this passive fundraiser that helps fund the many programs of our Home and School Association.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Box Tops for Education

The Mill Creek Home and School Association collects Box Tops for Education throughout the school year. Our first collection deadline is quickly approaching.

Please help us by supporting this worthwhile program.

Please send in to your child’s teacher the Box Tops you have been saving all summer in an envelope or zip lock bag by October 25, 2013.

*We are unable to submit expired Box Tops, so please check the dates.
*Please see http://www.boxtops4education.com/products for a list of products that contain Box Tops and for information on earning Box Tops online

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Student Directory Information


The 2013-2014 edition of the Mill Creek Student Directory will be available soon.
This year, everyone’s information including names, address and phone number, as provided to the district, will be automatically included in the directory UNLESS YOU CHOOSE TO OPT OUT. Be on the lookout for and carefully read the flyer that will give you the option to opt out in the Thursday folder distributed the first week of school or in the email blast Thursday folder distributed by the school office.

PLEASE DO NOT TEAR FORM AT DOTTED LINE, print family name and parent's name at the top in the space provided and sign the bottom of the form indicating you are opting out of the directory. This form must be returned by September 16th, otherwise your information will appear in this year's directory.

Directories will be distributed to all via an Email link directly to the password-protected PDF on our school website (at no charge).

A paper format will also be available for purchase at a cost of $5 ($4.71 plus tax), paying either cash or check payable to “Mill Creek Home & School Association” and can be purchased at Back to School Nights(BTS).

Look for our table in the lobby at your BTS!

Any questions, contact: Kathy McNamara, kmcnamara@dmflavors.com; Debbie Bruno, jdbruno@comcast.net; Sonal Shukla, isonal@me.com; or Suzy Rothwell, soxman31@verizon.net

The 6th Grade Ice Cream Social

The 6th Grade Ice Cream Social takes place on Friday, September 13 during 6th grade recess (11:15 - 11:45am). There is no rain date assigned. If the forecast isn't favorable, the HSA will adjust the date as needed. Our menu will consist of vanilla and chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles.

The 6th grade picture (in the shape of the Mill Creek graduating year) is taken from the roof during this event.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Just For Sixth Graders

Welcome back for your final year at Mill Creek!

We have a fantastic year of fun planned for you!

Please mark your calendars for the following dates:

Ice Cream Social - Sept 13th
Survivor Night - Sept 27th
Halloween Howl - Oct 25th
Bowling - Jan 24th
Ice Skating - April TBD
Sports Night - May 9th

Look for more information to be sent home as each event gets closer.

M.C. Kid's Corner

Do you like to write?????

This school year the Mill Creek Home & School Association plans to publish three issues of the M.C. Kids’ Corner, a newsletter showcasing literary work of Mill Creek students. If you would like to see your work in these pages, please include your written piece (poem, short story, book review, etc.), artwork, or puzzle with your teacher’s daily folder. Written pieces should be no longer than 500 words and all artwork must be original (cannot be traced or copied).Work must be YOUR BEST – neatly prepared on white, unlined paper (both sides). All items must be done darkly in black (lightly done and color items do not reproduce in a high quality format). Mark your submission “M.C. Kids’ Corner” and label it with your first and last names, grade, and your teacher’s name. Email written work to the editors at: millcreek_hsa@cbsd.org with a subject line reading “Kids Corner.” (Please note that there is an “_” between millcreek and hsa.)

Get busy thinking, writing, proofreading, editing, revising, and creating today! The next deadline is Oct 15, 2013

Library Volunteers are Needed

Volunteers work in the library either weekly or every other week on a regular basis, Monday through Friday. They assist students with checking books in and out, shelving books and book selection.

The shifts are in 2 hour increments.

There are several shifts open and one of the library aide coordinators will be available to train during a first time shift. There are also opportunities to go on the sub list, in the event a volunteer cannot cover their particular shift.

If you are interested please email:


Or call one of the following library aide coordinators:

Maria Bouchard: 215-534-9648
Aileen Wanzer : 610-909-0228