Do you like to write?????
This school year the Mill Creek Home & School Association plans to publish three issues of the M.C. Kids’ Corner, a newsletter showcasing literary work of Mill Creek students. If you would like to see your work in these pages, please include your written piece (poem, short story, book review, etc.), artwork, or puzzle with your teacher’s daily folder. Written pieces should be no longer than 500 words and all artwork must be original (cannot be traced or copied).Work must be YOUR BEST – neatly prepared on white, unlined paper (both sides). All items must be done darkly in black (lightly done and color items do not reproduce in a high quality format). Mark your submission “M.C. Kids’ Corner” and label it with your first and last names, grade, and your teacher’s name. Email written work to the editors at: with a subject line reading “Kids Corner.” (Please note that there is an “_” between millcreek and hsa.)
Get busy thinking, writing, proofreading, editing, revising, and creating today! The next deadline is Oct 15, 2013