For the fourth consecutive year, the Mill Creek Home & School Association will host the Walk for Education. This fundraiser is the main contributor to the HSA operating expenses. The last three years have allowed the HSA to maintain our operating budget to include items such as:
• HSA contributions toward class field trips
• An increase in our student assembly budget
• A $6.36 gift voucher for each child at our Buy One, Get One Spring Book Fair
• A free yearbook to each 6th grade student
• Classroom publications previously paid for by parents are now paid for by the HSA (National Geographic for Kids, Time for Kids, etc.)
What is the Walk for Education?
Walk for Education is an annual walk-a-thon, which involves students walking around a designated area at Mill Creek for one hour.
What makes the Walk a success?
The success of Walk for Education is based on students bringing in the names of people who are potential sponsors for the walk-a-thon.
How can you help?
In the September 26th Thursday folder, a packet of information as well as a blank label sheet will come home with your child. Please fill in the label sheet with the names of family & close friends that would be willing to sponsor your child for the Walk for Education. For every 10 names that a student brings in, our school should receive at least $75.00 in contributions. Potential sponsors may be family members, relatives, close friends, and neighbors. Special emphasis should be placed on out-of-state relatives and friends. Please do not solicit the people you do business with, e.g., barber, dentist, doctor, etc.
What happens with the labels we send in to school?
A form letter will be sent to the individuals listed on your child’s label sheet. This letter will outline what the Walk for Education is, what the donated funds will be used for, and it will give each recipient an opportunity to sponsor your child in this year’s Walk for Education.
Are there prizes for student participation?
There are incentives and prizes to help promote the success of Walk for Education, which encourage student participation -- these prizes include a chance of winning classroom pizza parties and for participating students to win gift cards as well as one of three iPad Minis!
What is the date of the walk-a-thon portion of the Walk for Education?
Friday, November 8, 2013
Walk for Education is great fun for students, no hassle to parents, and will fully benefit our school’s educational program! Your support is greatly appreciated!